Lucy Wadams Nesbitt had a three-year old daughter, Carrie Maybelle, when she decided to divorce her husband and move away from her life in Montana. She wanted to pursue life outside her home and marriage, and went on to find her own adventures. 

She decided to undertake a move from Montana to Jackson Hole, Wyoming in 1896.

Upon her arrival, she met John “Jack” Shive who was squatting on a ranch in the Buffalo Valley. They were married and moved into a humble cabin a year later.

Lucy went about making the cabin into a home.
Lucy was also talented in creating meals
out of bare ingredients when supplies were low.
She was as talented inside the house as she was out.

While Lucy had as many ranch skills as any man, she never wore pants. She only wore the Jackson Hole double-barrel skirt.

All of her backbreaking chores were proudly completed in “well-laced corsets.”